Changes in Tax Rates 2024/25

Changes in Tax Rates 2024/25

What’s new in 2024/25? With the onset of the new tax year, it’s crucial to stay informed about updates in the changes in tax rates and allowances, opening up avenues for strategic tax planning. WBV, serving Swansea and Neath, is proactively gearing up for the...
Changes to National Insurance

Changes to National Insurance

With the changes to National Insurance recently announced find out below how will it affect you. Every employee is liable to pay Class 1 National Insurance Contributions (NICs) on earnings over £12,570 and every self-employed individual is liable to pay Class 4 NICs...
2024 Spring Budget

2024 Spring Budget

How will the changes affect you? As the next General Election looms, all eyes turned to the Chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, as he stepped into Parliament to deliver the highly anticipated 2024 Spring Budget. With pre-budget rumours, speculation ran high about potential tax...